

Our children are our future, so it is our duty to ensure that they receive the right encouragement and guidance during their education. Since 2002, the Chamber of Commerce has been providing students with the guidance they need through Mentoring Cayman.

In partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Culture & Heritage, the programme pairs a high achieving year 11 student from a public or private school, nominated by their principal, with an influential and motivated member of the business community or Government, with the latter working as the mentor.

Through active engagement and interaction, the student will shadow their mentor, acquiring skills and tips on how to prepare for their future career path, and the mentor will provide advice for their mentee to ensure that they continue to develop.

The motivation and encouragement of a leading business professional in the Cayman Islands is priceless, and the students in our community benefit greatly from such interaction. The programme also provides access and opportunity for students which won’t be found elsewhere in the Cayman Islands.

Mentoring Cayman is a life-changing programme for students and mentors alike. Get involved today! 

How to become a Mentor:

1. Mentor Application Form
2. Police Clearance Certificate*
3. Darkness to Light “Stewards of Children” Certificate


2022-2023 Sponsors:

Ministry of Youth, Sports, Culture & Heritage
Consolidated Water Cayman Ltd.
Cox Lumber Ltd.
Aquilae Consulting 
Rocky’s Diamond Gallery


This is one of the greatest ways to give back. Seeing mentees grow into responsible people and helpning them make important decisions of their careers is priceless.

Richard Maparura

Mentor, 2019 - 2021

My mentor was a Chemical Engineer. Over the weeks we got really close and I learnt a lot about Consolidated Water. I plan to keep in touch with her.

Diedre Edwards

Mentees, 2021

Mentoring Cayman is a wonderful iniative; as rewarding for the mentors as a mentees. Everyone should take on the role at least once.

Roger Southam

Mentor, 2021